Mokami patarimai vertinami labiau
In one study I conducted, subjects answered different sets of questions about American history. Before answering some of the questions, they could get advice on the correct answer from another subject whom they knew was no more expert than they were. In one version of the experiment, people could get advice for free, while in another version, they paid for it. When they paid for advice, people tended to give it more credence than it warranted—driven, I suspect, by a combination of sunk-cost bias and the nearly instinctual belief that cost and quality are linked.
Jeigu už patarimą reikėjo mokėti, žmonės mano, kad jis yra vertingesnis ir juo labiau pasitiki – matyt instinktyviai manoma, jog jeigu kažkas kainavo daugiau, jis yra ir geresnis bei vertingesnis. Net jeigu žinoma, jog patarimus duoda visai ne ekspertas, o toks pat diletantas kaip ir patarimų pirkėjas.